Our guides through these festive courses are none other than
Tamás Tráj, Daniel Walz, Juraj Ruza und Isabella Stefl,
four of Santa's most loyal helpers!
A warm welcome to these Christmas experts whose challenges will bring lots of Christmas fun!

Juraj Ruza

My favorite Christmas song:
White Christmas (The Drifters)

If I drink too much punch, I am…
losing my Grinch inner self 😎

My worst Christmas gift ever:
Hot air balloon ride to person who was afraid of heights 🙈

If I were Santa Claus/the Christ Child, I would…
give long holidays to all hard working elves in my Christmas presents factory.

Have you ever forgotten your own course?
Yes for few very longlasting & scary seconds, luckily the correct course blueprint kicked in fast in my mind 🤯

Daniel Walz

My favorite Christmas song:
Sleigh Rides (the Ronettes)

If I drink too much punch, I am…
forgetting my own courses.

Your worst Christmas gift ever...
a collectible album for soccer stickers

If I were Santa Claus/the Christ Child, I would…
carry a huge sack.

Have you ever forgotten your own course?
I can't recall ever forgetting my own course 😜 😜